To be quite frank this post is inspired by my time spent today morning on the site which basically documents all the oddities that have been found as part of our past but somehow just dont add up with the technological level of those times.
As an introduction i'd like to direct your attention to how Civilizations come to be? It is a well known fact of Social Evolution that the older the civilization the more primitive it is than the one that comes after it. As scientific enquiry develops and inventions and discoveries happens so does technological advancement. Sound enough for starters?
Well then how would this explain for eg. (to start with the most basic of oddities) the asthonishing knowledge of Astronomy possesed by the Sumerian Civilization who knew that the Earth revolved around the Sun and that there were other planets besides the Earth and they had documented the existence of all the planets, even pluto!!! whose modern day discovery happened in 1930!!!!!
And the buck doesnt stop there..... lets shift our gaze from a thing that is commonly know (i.e. the remarkable knowledge of astronomy of ancient civilizations) to a slightly more bizarre aspect. The following is an excerpt from the Mahabharata :
"It was a single projectile
Charged with all the power of the universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as ten thousand suns
Rose in all its splendor..
It was an unknown weapon,
An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death
Which reduced to ashes
The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakras...
Charged with all the power of the universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as ten thousand suns
Rose in all its splendor..
It was an unknown weapon,
An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death
Which reduced to ashes
The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakras...
The corpses were so burned
As to be unrecognizable.
Their hair and nails fell out.."
As to be unrecognizable.
Their hair and nails fell out.."
Want more??? How this for size?
In certain deserts around the world there have been discovered a Layer of Fused Glass, in some cases underground (Iraq) and in other cases right on top (Gobi Desert, Mohave, Africa). Now many would ask so whats the point? The point is that fused glass occurs when Rock and Sand are subjected to extreme heat (much much much more than normal sunlight) and the rock and sand melt to fuse together into glass. Interestingly such a formation was documented in nuclear test sites where the heat from the explosion was sufficient enough for causing a sheet of fused glass beneath the Test Site.
And now for the kicker..... the archaeologists who discovered the underground fused glass date it to approximately predate the Sumerian Civilization which incidentally is one of the first civilization to arise on our Planet.
In 1960 the United States detected an a UFO in Polar Orbit and this is was before the US or USSR had put an object in outer Space. It was definitely concluded not to be a rock or any other kind of space debris. Furthermore this object transmitted messages to our planet which when decoded turned out to be a 13,000 yr old Star Map to a remote star system Epsilon Bostes.
What do all these (and many many more) instances suggest. Could it possibly indicate that our civilization has defied all known logic? Could it be that our ancestors had figured our Space Flight, Aviation, Atomics but their knowledge died with them? Could it have been Extra Terrestrials who visited the earth when our civilization was young and shared knowledge(At the risk of sound terribly cliched)???
If so what does this mean for us? does it mean that we have been so careless so as to let such a wealth of knowledge slip from our fingers merely on account of the passage of time? Does it mean that the reason the Ancients did not ttrust this knowledge to further generations was because they had recognized the basic flaw in human psyche i.e the insatiable desire for Power & the equally insatiable Greed of man?
We as a species have indeed come a long way taking into account the Modern Age. but i do wonder? what kinda world would we have been living in if the ancients had propogated their knowledge to future generations??
probably one where i would have been on Neptune sipping a beer and typing this out to be relayed across human settlements in the galaxy over a network that would've made the internet look like "two cans attached by a string.
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