Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Up yours Islamofascists!!!!!!!

and here's my contribution :)


  1. I know Islam is creating problems in this world but I don't think that should be the reason we, educated and sensible people should abuse any religion and especially the prophet!

    No religion is perfect!

    Probably this is the right time for Muslims to give their beliefs a serious thought and start making amends and walk with the world, not against the world!

    And you Alphus Random Rockey, be careful with this stuff going on world web!

    I love u my dear friend, and I want u alive!

    I am not kidding here!

  2. ur missing the point completely.... this is in support of artistic freedom..... they (jehadis et. al) should realize where to draw the line... there are something u shouldnt get offended by cause its a JOKE.... :)

    p.s its not bout islam creating problems in the world... which religion hasnt at somepoint of time or the other....

  3. People who don't understand the value of life, who are blinded by hatred,
    Do you think they understand artistic freedom and jokes?

    You can not make them understand anything!
    They are beyond repair!

  4. so what if they are all that doesnt mean we should keep quiet..... piss em off thats the whole point :D

  5. This blog asks me, "If you liked it, leave a message if you wish :)"
    I did NOT like it. I think it is absolutely unnecessary to come up with something so inappropriate like this.
    How does it affect you personally if they don't like a pictorial representation of Prophet? What's itching you? You don't have a problem if Jesus Christ is being drawn. In fact, you may have a problem if someone creates a vulgar image of him or about Christianity, no matter how detached you claim you are from your religion and say, 'Hey, I am an atheist.' Why do you want to anger other people's sentiments? You keep such things in private. That is why there is a demarcation between the private sphere and the public sphere. You don't like something about some religion, you keep it yourself. To draw something like this, adding to it foul words and publishing it, just because there is a random movement about a guy sitting in Sweden (who by the way, got attacked, did you know?), is inappropriate.
    Maybe that Swede thought he was safe, sitting in the confines of his house because he was a citizen of a forward and developed country; look where it landed him.
    You on the other hand, live in India- where religious sentiments are flared with a snap of a finger. No one knows who is safe for doing something like this.

  6. well if u didnt like it u are not expected to leave a message cause i really dont wanna hear criticism not that i cant but cause i really dont care... so thanks for your input which shall be deftly ignored :)

  7. Nisha is right!




If you liked it, leave a message if you wish :)